How To Marketing Restaurant
Happy Birthday!
A few days back was my 40th birthday. Besides the usual birthday party swag and Facebook friend wishes, my bank and few other businesses emailed me birthday cards. But I didn’t get any restaurant birthday coupons. Restaurants missed an opportunity to re-engage me and bring my friends in as new customers.
When I lived in Bozeman, Montana, I used to get a birthday coupon every year from The Garage Soup Shack & Mesquite Grill It offered a free meal valid for my birth month. It’s a great deal for both me and the restaurant. I get a free meal and “remember” The Garage. The restaurant is introduced to new diners by the birthday boy.
Why don’t more restaurants do this? Is it because restauranteurs don’t know how to get started? Let’s fix that.
Four steps to birthday marketing:
Step 1.
Get the birthday either from a comment card/birthday card signup at each table. Sign ups from an email newsletter work too, but they often do not include a physical address which can be problematic for sending postcards.
Step 2.
Print the postcards: If you have graphic design expertise or access to graphic designers, visit (not an affiliate link). 500 cards run about $127 ($.254 each) If you don’t have access to a graphic designer use the stock “food and beverage” designs from (not an affiliate link). 100 cards run about $25 ($.250 each)
Step 3.
Address, sign, & attach postage to the cards: Have this done as sidework by the staff. Signing by real people is more genuine and authentic than a printed signature and makes the guest feel like it’s a personal invitation. Postage runs about $160 for 500 (.$32 each). Step 4.
Mail the cards a week before the birthday.
So for less than 60 cents and the cost & labor of the free meal, you bring in birthday celebrants and their guests year round.
Birthday bozeman montana How To marketing Restaurant Marketing