Online Ordering for FREE With Zero Credit Card Fees!

Take online orders and credit card payments from the web for free! Be up and running in less than a week!

Q: How is it free to restaurants with zero credit card fees?

A: Online Ordering customers have a 6% service charge added.

The credit card processing fees and costs for software, hosting, support, & administration are paid from the service charge.

Here's an example:

Sales Tax @7.00%
Service Charge 6%
Total Charge
Restaurant has no credit card processing fees deducted.
Taxes go to tax authority via restaurant. Tips go to staff via restaurant.
Cloud Dine
Cloud Dine pays the credit card processing fees of $1.74 plus hosting, software, support, & administration costs.
Restaurants based in the US only. Month to month. No cancellation or early termination fees.

How it works


Add categories.
salads with required modifier
Add menu items with as many required modifiers as you would like using our graphical editor.

Click Save and the menu is ready for guests to use for online ordering.

Takes just a day or two to input medium to large menus. Or have us do it for you for $2 per menu item.

Add in Restaurant details (name, tagline, hours, location, phone) and your website is up and running.

(Custom domains add extra one-time steps.)

Add in printer info to print chits/receipts to. (We recommend Epson™ printers.)

Guest Orders & Pays

Order and pay
Restaurant guest enters online order and pays with credit card.

Receive Order

togo takeout
Order comes to restaurant computer or tablet and appears on togo/takeout screen.

Send Order

send order
Restaurant staff reviews order and sends to kitchen and/or floor printers. (Computer or tablet needs to be in the restaurant to access printers.)

Cook and Package Order

Ordering is cooked and packaged for togo/takeout.

Happy Guest!

happy guest
Guest picks up online order. Happy guest!
©2012-2021 Cloud Dine Systems, LLC All rights reserved.
Photo Credits: Michael Browning on Unsplash , Levi Guzman on Unsplash , on Unsplash . The following trademarks are the property of their respective owners: Visa ® , Mastercard ® , Discover ® , and American Express ® . All other trademarks and servicemarks are the property of their respective owners.