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Expediting With Empty Space
Are you an Expo? Do you feel overwhelmed and constantly in the weeds?
Here’s a quick way to make yourself more effective and spend less time weed whacking.
Simply put your plates in a position by their chit/ticket order. Leave an empty space for the ones you are waiting for. This is an easy way to tell where your chits/tickets are at a glance.
For example, say you have a six top order. The simplest plate layout would be from left to right.
Let’s say the chit/ticket from top to bottom is:
Chicken Parmesan
Chicken Alfredo
You are missing the Steak and Tilapia.
The window would look like this:
It’s much easier to keep track of plates and know what you are missing this way. Otherwise, you’ll be spending lots of time going through the ticket over and over again to match what’s in the window.
Only last bit, once you determine your layout, make the kitchen use it too. It will save both of you time since both can tell where an order is at a glance.
Photo credits:
Citrus Grillhouse Kitchen by
pvsbon Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.
Other images copyright Cloud Dine Systems, LLC All Rights Reserved.