Front of House Guest Ordering Restaurant Service
Bigger Isn't Better. Other Wait Staff Truths
Q: Is bigger better?
A: Not when it comes to tablets and wait staff. Even in Texas.
Q: Why?
A: Imagine you are waiter or waitress using a wireless tablet to take guest orders. Your choices are a ten inch, seven inch, or four inch device. More specifically visualize your choices as an iPad, iPad mini, iTouch, if prefer Apple products, or a Nexus 10, Nexus 7, Nexus 4, if you prefer Google Android products.
Which would you rather carry around all shift? A heavier one or a lighter one? Which is easier to drop? Which is more expensive? Which fits in your apron?
Q: Sounds like smaller is better!
A: Not quite. It turns out the larger the screen real estate, the easier it is create an order since there is less scrolling and hunting.
Q: So bigger is better! I knew it.
A: Again not quite. Smaller screens are less taxing physically over a long shift due to their smaller weight.
Q: So which is it?
A: As big as possible to make it easier to perform tasks, but not so big as to be physically taxing. The Goldilocks size for wait staff is right in the middle, a seven inch tablet. It’s about the same size as a check presenter and fits in the apron when not in use.
Q: That makes sense. I was rooting for bigger though.
A: If it makes you feel better, for host stands and other fixed locations we recommend ten inch tablets since they are not carried and it’s not physically taxing. So bigger is better there. But for table side guest ordering seven inch tablets is the way to go.
Photo credits:
Ruler by
Sterlic Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License
Android Phone Android Tablet iPad iPad Mini iPhone Point of Sale Guest Ordering Table Side Guest Ordering tablets wait staff waiters waitress wireless restaurant point of sale