Category: Front of House Guest Experience How To Management Restaurant Service

Make Your Problem An Opportunity

Alex's Lemonade Stand
So one of your servers forgot to process an order, the kitchen lost a ticket, or a tray of food was dropped; whatever it is, you have what’s known as a “Long Cook Time”. It can really throw a wrench in your system and irritate your guests.
What now? Many service managers will hang out in the kitchen and watch the order get made again with nervous anxiety. “How much longer?!” Finally the order is hastily prepared and served to the guests. In some cases, that’s the end of the story. Hopefully, the guests either didn’t notice or didn’t care that their order took longer than usual. Other times, a manager might swing by the table to see how upset the table might be. At this point, management reacts to the situation with apologies and maybe a free dessert or even a full out comp.
These “Long Cook Time” situations are going to occur. If not handled well, guests can become very angry. People go to restaurants for food, hospitality, and atmosphere. When they feel like they are being treated poorly, it’s a deep contrast to their expectations. Nobody likes to be forgotten, dismissed, or cheated out of what they deserve. Most often, management has to deal with these situations after their guests are, at the very least, disappointed.
There is usually a way to come out ahead with a table that is made to wait longer than they should. How about turning this kind of situation into a positive experience for everyone? The trick is to talk with your problem table BEFORE they are disgruntled. As soon as you know a party is going to have to wait; go talk to them. Tell them that their order is taking longer than expected and that you are doing everything within your power and the realm of physics to get their order out ASAP. If they have small children, a diabetic person, or just need a little more attention, get them something to eat right away. It’s often great to show up with a free appetizer when you are explaining your difficulty and their misfortune. If an entree was dropped on the floor, it’s ok to share that with the customer. They are often grateful that you threw the dish out to make a new one.
This proactive guest interaction will let your guests know that:
  1. 1. You know about their situation.
  2. 2. They are not forgotten or ignored.
  3. 3. You care.
To be cliche; you are now turning lemons into lemonade. The guest’s whole perception and experience is sometimes even better than if no mistake was made. You might even create a loyal fan out of an ordeal. Everyone knows that nobody is perfect and that mistakes happen especially when it comes to food service. We just want to be doted on. What sets restaurants apart is how they deal with mistakes.
Tag: Long Cook Time mistakes prevent disasters problem mitigation unhappy customer win over an unhappy customer
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